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Tamsin Drury

A Producer, Director and 'a woman of many hats'. Tamsin discussed with us the importance of being versatile in our practice and what it means to really be a producer. She spoke to us about the benefits and imperitive of arts and not allowing the business aspects of performance take away from the enjoyment of performing.


Photo Credits to Viliina Ketunnen

Notes From Lecture...

What is Producing? 

  • Over mystified term. There is no limit to the role of a producer. Producing a multidisciplinary performance. 

Money Partners and Public Outcomes. 

Securing the resources. Planning – start from a budget. Shopping list of what is needed and how it is being paid for. What is realistic and a checklist to stay on track? 


ACE Funded world. Need partnerships and matched income. 

What is your outcome? Where is it happening? And who is your audience? 

Find partners – Ideally a funded venue, community, or charity organisation. Question of scale and complexity. 

How does your project align with their aims and objectives. Think hard about what it is you are offering. 

Once partnerships have been secured think about numbers. In the shape of project funding NLPG. You will need match income of 10% of project cost. 10% cash and 40% in kind. What is the end outcome? 

Hitherto, you can do your own funding applications. However, Arts Council England made changes to project grants. Early career artists – ECA 


Clear production schedules. Social media will be the most powerful tools to get project together. 

Budgeting and financial management – Simple budget plans. Straightforward headline lines of where money is going. What feeds the arts council budget. Total income and expenditure.  


Keeping track of finances and budgets from bank statements.  


Cashflow charts of monthly to weekly and a budget breakdown. Yearly plan. Transport and Logistics. Partner and venue liaison. Set props and costumes. Lighting, sound, and video. Documentation. Inviting Key guests. Get it on platforms, get it seen.



For Me...

Tamsin discussed the plurality of the definition of producing. As at this stage in the MA we were investigating our own practice, and this solidified the ideals that performers are not necessarily categorised into one group, they often wear multiple hats. This allowed me to understand and firmly cement myself in what my multiple practices are.

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