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Performative Response

A Performative Response is a Call and Response methodology in which one person presents a performance and another creates another using the original as a stimulus. 


This methodology provides material and a unique interpretation to have insight into one another's practice. It is a valuable tool in which to generate material.


The responses below show the translation and transition from one practice into another based on the stimulus present.


What must be noted was that a rule was given...


'You must never use the same practice twice.'

The First...

The video above entitled 'String Theory', was the first performance in the interview thread. Comprised of previous videos from my 'Performative Lecture', entwined with new material, was the foundation of the material. 


Upon observing the video the string is seen in it's final form and then cuts to seperate clips of the string being tied together by my hands and then cut to another clip of my sister braiding the string together. I wanted to explore an idea of using material which all exist individually and then being bound together. Exploring both the delicacy and intricacies of both someone who identifies as a performer (Myself - Tying) and that of someone who does not (My Sister - Braiding). 


What is worthy of note is that my sister organically braided together the string to which I asked if I could film, showing that the performative element for me existed in her organic reaction rather than a predetermined decision of her braiding. This then developed into an ideology of not only agency but the Metaphysical understanding of Time and Duration.


This was then all edited together similar to the string, tying together the clips in a specific order to articulate a meaning and function.

To explore how this first response has influenced my work please click this button which shall direct you to 'Chapter One'.





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